Yes, I'm back. For good, hopefully.

It's been ages since my last post in here! I've been out for too long, and I missed this blog. I've been through a lot, I learned a lot too.

I have been too busy for a while (okay, that would be more than a while...hehe), I had a lot of stuffs going on with my life that I barely had time for anything else. And now that I'm back, I'm going to compensate ( will, I've got to try, at least, although I'm not saying it's easy) for the times I've been gone.

Anyway, I created my very own Wordpress blog, it's entitled "...Over a Cup Of Coffee". It's doing fine, considering that it's been only a few days old. Hope you get to visit it, and tell me what you think about it by leaving some comments. :)

Bye for now, I'll write again later. :D